Ultrafast Spectroscopy Group

简介 Pump-probe spectroscopy/ Condensed matter physics


Ultrafast femto- and pico-second laser pulses, spanning visible and far-IR regime, are coherent superposition of photons of various frequencies. These bursts of photon wave packets, when properly controlled, can serve for the purpose of inducing and manipulating novel states of quantum material systems, by means of either on-resonance or off-resonance excitation, to surf the complex free-energy landscape of quantum systems with quantum many-body interaction. Leveraging light-matter interaction, we explore linear and non-linear coherent electronic, magnetic, and photonic dynamics of quantum materials, artificial materials and even laser-induced plasma in response to intense electric or magnetic field offered by coherent ultrafast photon source. Such exploration can uncover the fundamental physical limits, with which scientists and engineers ought to be concerned in design and implement next-generation functional quantum devices.
